24 thoughts on “Lane in Gray

  1. You know, John, this photo pretty much sums up how I felt last week. I’m slowly getting better now. Lovely photo though.

    1. Thanks– quite an interesting comment, Mary-Ann. Whether it’s my own work or someone else’s, the “meaning” of a lot of my favorite photographs is hard to pin down. Glad you’re feeling better!

  2. This and the last image have a really nice feel to them, like subtle graphite drawings. They’re really beautiful. And you can tell it’s you who’s taken them.

  3. Wow, it’s fantastic (and the other one, too). I like that it’s so sculptural, but there is all that tracery of the branches, too. And it looks like it leaped out of another century.

    1. Thx Lynn. I’ve been looking at a lot of work by the Photo Secessionists lately and I think all that low-contrast and toning is creeping into my treatments. I’m happy with the feeling of this one, although it’s not exactly an upbeat melody.

  4. Love the contrast of the lines and all the varying shades of black, white and gray!! This,too, looks like a pencil and charcoal drawing. Really exquisite!

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